200 Years of International Relations in Brazil: Issues, Theories, and Methods


The Brazilian field of international relations (IR) has evolved over the course of two centuries. Since Brazil’s independence in 1822, international topics have deserved attention from local practitioners and scholars. The emergence of Brazilian standpoints about international affairs and of a Brazilian IR scholarship developed after the consolidation of similar fields in other Western countries. Multiple schools of thought held sway over local understandings, thereby leading to the formation of a different field as compared to characteristics of the Anglo-American mainstream. The institutionalization of the area has come about through the creation of scholarly departments and national government agencies. It all led to a unique combination of methods, theories, and issues being currently explored in the Brazilian branch of IR scholarship.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies
Thales Carvalho
Thales Carvalho
Assistant Professor

My research interests include International Security, Foreign Policy, Latin America, and Global IR.
